RITVERC is accredited by the The State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom for testing of sealed radionuclide sources for the purpose of confirm the compliance of strength classes (ISO classification) and / or compliance with the requirements for special form radioactive material. The certificate for the laboratory accreditation area is available under the link (in russian)
The testing laboratory has all the necessary certified equipment for testing under GOST R 52241-2004 (ISO 2919:1999), GOST 25926-90, GOST R 50629-93, NP-053-16, specific IAEA safety requirements No. SSR-6 (2012), as well as equipment for leak tests (for leakage testing) in accordance with GOST R 51919-2002 (ISO 9978:1992).
Low temperature test
Cold chamber КХ-90К-50/40
- effective volume 0.2 l max
- temperature -183 °С min
- cooling with liquid nitrogen vapors

High temperature test
Electric furnace СНОЛ 8.2/1100
- effective volume 8.2 l
- temperature 1100 °С max

External pressure test
Plant of vacuumizing and overpressure УИРД25-2-100
- absolute pressure 25 kPa, 2 MPa
- inert gas pressure testing

External pressure test
Hydraulic plant УИГ100-40/80
- absolute pressure 7, 70, 170 MPa
- the test objects are placed in covers with water

Impact, bending and puncture tests
Impact plant УИУ1-0,001/6
- masses of hammers for impact: 50 g, 200 g, 2 kg, 5 kg
- masses of hammers for puncture: 1 g, 10 g, 50 g, 0.3 kg, 1 kg

Tests for sinusoidal vibration
Vibrating plant УИВ2000-1,5-20 including:
- vibrating system TIRA TV51120 (Germany)
- signal generator ГСС-05
- vibrometer ВВМ-311
- frequency range: 25–2000 Hz
- maximum acceleration 196 m/s2 (20g)
- maximum fluctuation range 1.5 mm

Helium method (method of helium leak detector)
Mass spectrometric helium leak detector МС-3
- the minimum recorded flux of helium in countercurrent mode 1 × 10-11 Pa × m3/s

Measurements of the activity of gamma and X-ray emitting radionuclides
X-ray and gamma-ray spectrometer Dspec-50
- operating range of radiation energy: 5–3000 keV
- activity measuring range: 15 Bq ÷ 5 × 107 Bq

Measurements of the activity of gamma and X-ray emitting radionuclides
Spectrometer-radiometer МКГБ-01 «Радэк»
- the working range of the radiation energy: 40–3000 keV
- activity measuring range: 15 Bq ÷ 5 × 104 Bq

Measurements of the activity of alpha and beta emitters
Spectrometric complex СКС-07П-Б11
- beta particles energy range: 3–3000 keV
- activity measuring range: 0.03 Bq ÷ 2 × 104 Bq

The head of Test laboratory
Andrey V. Koptev
Email: info@ritverc.com
Sales department
Sales manager
Alexey S. Petrov
Tel. +7 812 297-44-63, ext. 105
Email: info@ritverc.com