Our mission is the development, production and supply of competitive ensure high quality radionuclide products for the needs of industry, nuclear medicine, metrology, fully satisfying of the requirements of customers.
For this:
- СWe improve the quality management system in the design, development, production and supply of radionuclide products, and in the provision of services in the field of atomic energy use.
- We do every possible effort to develop areas of application of radionuclide products in Russia and abroad and to popularize the use of atomic energy in general.
- We improve our communication with customers, comprehensively and deeply studying their requirements, in order to maximize their satisfaction.
- We strive to make a profit for expansion of the production and development, of new types of our products and for decent wages of Ritverc employees.
- We improve our business and professional competence through continuous training, self-study and engage of highly qualified personnel.
- We are constantly working on optimization of technological processes to improve labor conditions and productivity.
- We improve our infrastructure and production environment, enhance the production culture, creating safer labor conditions.
- We are trying to create the safest and the most comfortable conditions for an operating of radionuclide products.
- In order to implement environmental principles, we strive to minimize waste in the production process, use secondary resources, and regenerate worked out sources.
- We form a corporate culture in such way that each employee is aware of responsibility for a results of their work and for the products quality, realizing his role in achieving the overall goals of the organization and pursuing the quality policy.
March 16, 2020