The Granov Readings Research to Practice Conference was held on June 19, 2024 at the Granov Russian Research Center for Surgical Technologies. It focused on contemporary topics in theranostics involving alpha emitters, and RITVERC served as a partner and event sponsor. During the session, our...
The RITVERC team attended the Future in the Present Russian National Student Plenum as an industrial partner. The plenum was organized in conjunction with the XIV St. Petersburg International Educational Forum, which took place on March 26-27 at secondary school No. 619 in St. Petersburg. We...
The RITVERC team participated in the Chemical Laboratory Competence of the Junior Professionals Championship at Secondary School No. 619 in St. Petersburg at the organizers’ request. Our colleagues served as experienced mentors and teachers for three competing days, from March 11 to 13, 2024,...
The St. Petersburg Academy of Talents and RITVERC have signed an educational cooperation agreement to achieve ambitious goals in training, education, and development of schoolchildren and young students, as well as professional competence development for teachers and university students. The...
The RITVERC team continues to participate in targeted educational projects. Recently we conducted an educational program A Glimpse of Nuclear Physics for pupils of 8–10 grades at secondary school No. 619, as well as at Saint Petersburg Gazprom School. As part of this program, our specialists...