In March 2024, we announced our company’s participation in the Chemical Laboratory Competence for Juniors of The Professionals 2024 Russian National Championship of Professional Excellence.
The Professionals Championship is a competition for school and vocational students that aims to demonstrate competencies and promote vocational professions. The events were divided into three rounds, with the final round taking place in Moscow, when the winners were announced.
On June 14, we organized a meeting with the section winners on our grounds to show the manufacture of sealed radioactive sources firsthand. The children toured our engineering facilities, the radioisotope laboratory, and the office. We discussed the history of our organization and its key activities, as well as the practical applications of ionizing radiation sources. The children observed certain stages of radionuclide production, including the processing of used sources. At the conclusion of the meeting, the winners experienced radioactivity in action, this time in our pleasant conference room with the RadLab training kit.
We hope that the visit to RITVERC gave a chance for the winners of the regional stage of the Professionals Championship to broaden their horizons and obtain new knowledge in the sphere of professional skills, allowing them to make an informed career decision in future.